Morocco faces ‘extremely complex situation' vs. illegal migration

MADRID – Morocco is facing an "extremely complex situation" to fight illegal migration mafias and control migration flows, José Luis Escrivá, Spanish Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, said.

Morocco suffers the consequences of the difficult situation in some countries of sub-Saharan Africa, which are suffering from war and famine, noted Escrivá at a meeting, organized Saturday in Barcelona, by the Pere Tarrés Foundation.

The Spanish official said "we must understand the situation in Morocco" which is facing a strong migratory pressure.

"The work that Morocco is doing is not easy,” he added.

Moroccan authorities, he said, are facing an "extremely complex" situation.”

Escrivá also stressed the importance of "showing the greatest empathy and sensitivity to the migration phenomenon and what it means."

Since the attempted group assault on the metal fence in the province of Nador, causing a huge stampede and fatal falls from the top of the fence, several Spanish officials have called to accompany the action of Morocco, which fully assumes its responsibilities in migration management, to protect its borders and curb the influx of illegal immigrants.

Spain President Pedro Sánchez pleaded in this regard for the support of Morocco, which suffers the consequences of the phenomenon of illegal immigration.

Morocco, as a country of transit, suffers from the illegal migration problem, and “we must help it to manage the mafias of human trafficking and control migration flows,'' he said on Spanish Cadena Ser radio station.

The last report on the attempted forced crossing, in which 140 law enforcement officers were injured to varying degrees, stated that 23 illegal sub-Saharans died.

It was marked by the use of unprecedented violence by the candidates for illegal immigration against the elements of law enforcement, who acted with professionalism and respect for the laws and regulations.

Armed with stones, truncheons and sharp objects, these candidates for illegal immigration have put up violent resistance to the forces of order, mobilized to prevent them from crossing the fence. (MAP)
