Lipa archdiocese bans celebration of 'apparition' anniversary

By Ferdinand Patinio

August 9, 2023, 6:20 pm

MANILA – The Archdiocese of Lipa is disallowing any celebration in connection with the 75th anniversary of the alleged apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Batangas.

In an Aug. 8 circular signed by Archbishop Gilbert Garcera released on Wednesday, the archdiocese is banning any activities commemorating the supposed apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the late Teresa Castillo at the Carmelite Monastery in Lipa in 1948.

"I, therefore, officially communicate to all of you, our dear faithful, that in filial devotion to the Holy See there can be no observance of the 75th anniversary of the alleged apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Lipa on September 12, 2023, under any form," he said.

According to the CBCPNews article published in July, the Vatican’s doctrinal body has asked Filipino bishops to "dissuade’ any activities that run counter to the church’s official ruling on the alleged Marian apparitions in Lipa.

Cardinal Luis Ladaria, prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, in the same article, reiterated the Vatican’s 1951 decision that the alleged Lipa apparitions have “no supernatural origin and character”.

CBCPNews is a church-based news agency operated by the Media Office of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines.

Garcera noted that Triduum or Novena Masses in preparation for the celebration of the alleged apparition shall not be held as well as Masses at the Carmelite Monastery Church, and in all parish churches and chapels.

The Catholic prelate said any organized activities celebrating the said anniversary are prohibited inside or outside the Carmelite Monastery Church, or in all parish churches and chapels on Sept. 12 and on any day thereafter.

Garcera added that any promotional materials about the 75th anniversary of the alleged apparition are also prohibited to be posted at the Carmelite Monastery Church, as well as parish churches and chapels.

Likewise, the devotions held on the 12th day of every month, which are meant to remember the alleged apparition, shall not be held at the same worship venues.

Celebrations of the anniversary of the supposed apparition under any form shall also not be held in succeeding years at the Carmelite Monastery Church, and in all parish churches and chapels.

The archbishop is hoping that the faithful will follow the guidelines.

"I acknowledge that this decision may be difficult for many of you, but I trust that, in your love for our Blessed Mother, you will look to her example of humble obedience to the will of God," he said.

The Lipa archbishop added that the action taken by the Church does not ban devotion to Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace "as long as they are dissociated from the alleged apparition in Lipa. (PNA)
